Friday, January 24, 2020
Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid :: GCSE Chemistry Coursework Investigation
Effect of Temperature on the Rate of Reaction between Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric Acid Investigation Chemical reactions are used in our everyday life, they literally keep us alive. They are used in food, respiration and everywhere else in the environment. A chemical reaction mainly occurs when reactants react together to produce a new product. The speed at which this reaction takes place is called the rate of reaction. The product produced has a number of particles in the solution that has formed from the reactants. The concentration is the amount of particles in a certain amount of water. If a cross is placed under the beaker of the solution, the cross will eventually disappear because the high temperature of the water will make the particles move faster because they have more energy and they will move more quicker to give a bigger impact which will cause more frequent and violent collisions and the solution will disappear as the product forms to create a misty solution. The rate of reaction is normally recorded in tables and can then be defined onto graphs to show how the rate curves of different factors affect the speed of the reaction. A rate curve is the curve of a graph that shows how the reaction changes at different intervals. The gradient of the graph tells us whether the different rate curves have the same relation, meaning if they have a similar rate of reaction. Reactions can take place in a variety of customs; they can bee steep or steady. The steeper the slope, the faster the reaction takes place. The steadier the slope, the slower the reaction takes place. Aim: The aim of my investigation is to find out whether the increase of temperature increases the rate of reaction between the two reactants of Sodium Thiosulphate and Hydrochloric acid. I will then find out and evaluate on how temperature affects this particular reaction. Factors There are four main factors, which affect the rate of reaction that are considered as variables for the experiment I will be doing, they are the following: Molecules can only collide when two of them meet together. This meeting between the two particles can only take place on the surface area of the material. If the surface area of the material is increased, the particles gather more space to collide with each other with force. With a large surface area, the particles will have more area to work on so the collision probability will be high. A catalyst is a separate substance to the ones you use in your experiment and is used to speed up the reaction between the reactants.
Thursday, January 16, 2020
Cause And Effects
A cause and effect essay aims at explaining the reasons and results of an event or situation. It is one the most popular essay types in the academic world. It is beneficial for a student to write a cause and effect essay because it propels him to think of the situation in depth to come up with the reasons for the birth of that situation and its eventual impact on everything it affects. It encourages the mind to think analytically and investigate a situation in its true light.Writing a cause and effect essay needs key understanding of the topic and keen attention to detail. It may seem like it is an easy thing to do but you cannot go far beyond the introduction if you do not put analytical skills into writing it. Such types of essay basically targets two main points, why the event or situation took place and how did it made its impact. You have to remember to concentrate your cause and effect essay to revolve around these two points and do not let it deviate from its main focus.Cause and effect are two approaches that are closely related so it is sometimes a bit tricky to differentiate between the two. Therefore, it is imperative that you understand the topic properly before approaching it. You should choose an excellent cause and effect topic; the one that you think you can pull off easily as you understand it in more depth than other topics. This topic should help you relate one event to another, ultimately revealing its causes and effects.You should aim at writing it in such a way that it keeps the reader hooked on to it, keeping them on the edge of their seats. Here in this article, we have jotted down some outstanding examples of the cause and effect topics. You can choose the one that suits you the most and goes along well with your writing style. But, do not forget that it should clearly be defined in the context of its cause and effect.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
Family Resiliency From Adversity - Free Essay Example
Sample details Pages: 2 Words: 671 Downloads: 6 Date added: 2019/02/15 Category Society Essay Level High school Tags: Family Essay Did you like this example? I believe society would greatly benefit from resources that would support resilience of adversity when overcoming unstable environments. In the news we see a lot about the Migrant Caravan and how the United States government is unwilling to provide refuge for these people who are in need. While the United States and the Honduran governments differ in resources and conditions, their willingness to help people who are seeking refuge is the same rejection. Don’t waste time! Our writers will create an original "Family Resiliency From Adversity" essay for you Create order I wish I knew what the solution would help satisfy all the people involved in this predicament. It is an emotional topic for me to discuss the military involvement because I am an Army veteran, I know what it is like to be given orders that I do not comply with. The racism and discrimination families of not only the immigrants but even the law enforcement, military and civilian by standers in that environment will be impacted. Ann S. Masten states how resiliency is not something that can be defined objectively because it is influenced by historical and sociocultural context. Highlighting cultural expectations and the environment as contributing factors of adaptive characteristics of individuals. Resiliency varies among cultures and experience, while it may be in some peoples favor to seek haven and leave everything behind to move forward, others would rather stay no matter what the conditions may be and stay strong throughout the struggle. There are many factors to account for when considering resiliency. Factors including who is involved, such as children, family, financial resources, and emotional states. Optimal resiliency would be positive and will empower an individual enough to overcome adversity. For example, taking into consideration migrating family’s risk of premigration traumas occurring in the home country, traumas in route to the new country, and the often-hostile environment in the new country (Torres, 2018). Torres research highlights the negative health related implications these traumas have on an immigrants physical and mental state rooting from government policies and practices. Experiences with trauma shape children especially, they see the world as a bad place that does not help their family. These personality traits develop their susceptibility or protective in?uence, the physical or sociocultural value and meaning of traits (Masten, 2014). These negative experiences are what lead to maladaptive characteristics like sexual and drug abuse. Those bad habits are what resiliency in an individual could help them overcome. While international agencies are investing in resources to promote healthy development and resilience, is it enough? It is heartbreaking to know the horrors that are occurring from the California fires, people disappearing, being found dead, losing their homes, and the families who travelled thousands of miles, who would put their life in danger to just try to find refuge. Our society needs resources and the awareness that will help society cope. â€Å"There is a need for more knowledge about risk and protective processes and how to prepare for speci?c threats to human development (Masten, 2014).†Reformed policies can facilitate migration and decrease the traumas that individuals and families experience. I don’t believe in pressing people to be religious, but it is something that has help me personally. I think now is the time religion can be a good coping mechanism for those who do believe in hope for a better future. I believe it is important for society to be resilient and develop positive coping mechanisms in preparation for natural disaster, family separation, violence and many other dangerous situations. I focus on migrating families because it is something that has affected my family directly. I understand that things won’t get better until there are reformed policies that will be implemented but I know I can raise awareness through social media. References Masten, A. S. (2014). Global perspectives on resilience in children and youth. Child Development, 85(1), 6–20. Torres, S. A., Santiago, C. D., Walts, K. K., Richards, M. H. (2018). Immigration policy, practices, and procedures: The impact on the mental health of Mexican and Central American youth and families. American Psychologist, 73(7), 843–854.
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