Monday, December 30, 2019
The Continual Rise Of Online Bingo - 1824 Words
Blog 14 – The continual rise of online bingo If I asked you to think about what image summarises bingo, odds are you would immediately think of the smoke filled bingo halls of the 60s, 70s, 80s, and 90s. For going on 50 years bingo was a game housed locally and operated on a low-level within small communities. But as time ticked on, the game would evolve, especially when the invention known as the Internet would come into play. Transforming this once community housed game into a true global event, online bingo now dominates the web as far as gambling is concerned. Before you sit down to dab on a digital ticket or claim a no deposit bingo offer, it is worth taking a look back at what has brought the game this far. The following address the†¦show more content†¦However, as time would pass the young and fresh image it once had would fade. It seemed that as new and exciting casino games were popularised, bingo would fade in to the background, with only the loyalists continuing to play. By the 1960s bingo had become a game well known for its mature audience, which sadly hampered its progress in the decades to come. In the 1990s the world as we know it would change, the Internet would arrive and introduce the era of the information age. The ushering in of this new era would not only change the way people behave, but it would shake the foundations of the bingo industry. Taking bingo out of land-based halls and putting it online, during the 2000s online bingo would gain serious momentum thanks to free bing offers. Millions would migrate to the new format, as its benefits became immediately clear to the world. The reason why it has become so popular is because it represented the evolution of the game. Those who chose to play online were now no longer limited by a small selection of games, as all the world’s variants became within arms reach at new bingo sites. Not only that, it allowed players to buy tickets from the comfort of their own home, something that was certainly once thought impossible. Keeping faithful to the social roots of the game, players can still interact with other players as usual, but now it can be done without running the risk of missing any numbers at the best bingo sites. If the online
Sunday, December 22, 2019
Carbon Nanotubes What Are They - 1157 Words
Carbon Nanotubes, What Are They? The growth of carbon nanotubes is an intricate process that has many challenges. It is important to understand what carbon nanotubes are, there history, what their potential applications are and how they will be able to accomplish these task. Carbon nanotubes (CNTs) are one of a multitude of tiny materials that will help to define the future. Carbon nanotubes have an unparalleled history. The first publication about these was written in 1952 by Raduskevich and Lukyanovich (Ren 8). These two Russian scientists provided the scientific community with the first distinct image of carbon nanotubes. Radushkevich and Lukyanovich s publication had unobscured images showing multi-walled carbon nanotubes with a 50 nm†¦show more content†¦These tubes that they found have likely been around since the time of Thomas Edison and were created as he was experimenting with carbon filaments for light bulb, which would eventually be his defining discovery, or even earlier on during the metal forging process. The reason CNTs would go unnoticed is do to their microscopic size (Ren . Their diameter can range between 1 and 50nm and with lengths that can out measure their diameter by 1000 times (Nanocyl). A nanometer is 10-9 meters or .000000001m. Even with the best optical microscopes, which magnify light rays reflected from objects, it wouldn’t have been possible to discern the fact that these cylindrical structures were hollow, if they could even see them. Carbon nanotubes get all of their impressive properties from their physical structure. They are hexagons of covalently bonded carbon atoms. A covalent bond is a bond between two non-metals atoms. Two of these atoms are bonded to four others and form another hexagon and these other hexagons exist on all the sides of the first and off of each other. This would look like a sheet of hexagons that could then be wrapped into tubes. These tubes can be single walled (SWCNTs), and multi-walled (MWCNTs) depending on the number of layers they have. The carbon atoms in these nanotubes have S2P2 chemical bonds (Zhang 7). This means that the atoms have oneShow MoreRelatedWhat are Carbon Nanotubes? Essay543 Words  | 3 PagesCarbon nanotubes are long cylindrical structures of small nano-scale diameters formed only by carbon atoms. These structures can be understood as rolled sheets of graphene into a tube. The interactions between carbon atoms are mostly deï ¬ ned as Van der Waals forces. If we categorize CNTs by their structure, the following division can be obtained: - single-walled nanotubes (SWNTs) - multi-walled nanotubes (MWNTs) The above structures differ in the arrangement of graphene cylindrical structuresRead MoreNanotechnology: What are Carbon Nanotubes? Essay894 Words  | 4 PagesCARBON NANOTUBES INTRODUCTION The advancement of material science over the past decade has allowed the scientists to create two structures of carbon namely carbon nanotubes and carbon nanowires. Nanowires are small wires with a diameter as small as 1 nanometre. These are being used to build tiny transistors with higher efficiency for computer chips and other electronic devices. In the last couple of years the carbon nanotubes have somewhat overshadowed the nanowires. A carbon nanotube is a cylinderRead MoreUses And Function Of Carbon Nanotubes1029 Words  | 5 PagesThis presentation will introduce you to the use and function of Carbon Nanotubes in the delivery of pharmaceuticals in medicine. Nanotechnology is a developing science that involves the manipulation of materials. This is executed on the scale of fewer than 100 nanometers. The goal of this technology is to optimise the utility and therefore increase the control of atoms and molecules. This presentation will explain what carbon nanotubes are, the pur pose of using them in the delivery of pharmaceuticalsRead MoreCarbon Naotubes Essay995 Words  | 4 PagesCarbon Nano is the future of construction and agricultural purposes. The Nano tubing is strong, versatile and durable. More people in the construction business will use carbon Nano tubing in buildings plumbing and other things. Inorganic nanotubes have also been synthesized. Nanotubes have a diameter close to 1 nanometer giving their name nanotubes. Some nanotubes are woven with one-atom-thick layer of graphite called graphene to the seamless cylinder. History of carbon nanotubesRead MoreEssay on Hydrophobic property of Carbon Nanotubes1624 Words  | 7 PagesCarbon fiber also has corrosion issues due to its chemical composition There are many different types of corrosions. According to Boeing Engineer David Banis, â€Å"Concentration cell corrosion, or crevice corrosion, is the most common type of corrosion found on airplanes†(Banis 2). It occurred whenever water is trapped between two surfaces, such as under loose paint, within a delaminated bond-line, or in an unsealed joint. The magnitude of the corrosion depends on the alloy that is used. Carbon fiberRead MoreElectronic Equipment s And Energy Storage1414 Words  | 6 Pagesdiscussed the exciting materials nanotubes in this outline and the study being carried out on our part. We discussed the materials that are suitable for manufacturing, their processing techniques and exotic applications with supported few references. Here this abstract aims to define the basic principle of nanotubes that is their definition, basic chemical and physical properties, their applications, their fabrication process in details and their future prospect. Nanotubes hold the key in the next generationRead Morepaper battery1476 Words  | 6 Pagesyear 2010,2011,2012,2013 Paper Battery Search This Blog Search A paper battery is a battery engineered to use a paper-thin sheet of cellulose (which is the major constituent of regular paper, among other things) infused with aligned carbon nanotubes. The nanotubes act as electrodes; allowing the storage devices to conduct electricity. The battery, which functions as both a lithium-ion battery and a supercapacitor, can provide a long, steady power output comparable to a conventional battery, as wellRead MoreIntroduction According to Moore Law, the number of transistors on electric devices doubles every900 Words  | 4 Pagestransistors cannot be reduced infinitely. Today, nanotechnology has become a hopeful way to overcome this problem, which is to build nano-scale transistors to satisfy Moore Law. [1] The carbon nanotube field-effect transistor (CNTFET) technology is a significant part of nanotechnology. It is to use carbon nanotubes as the channel material to build field-effect transistors (FETs) [2]. CNTFET technology takes advantage of the unique electronic structure of graphite, thereby forming hollow cylinder.Read MoreEnergy Is Consumed At Alarming Rates1607 Words  | 7 Pageseffectiveness in heat reflection, and conductivity of normal cloth, , cloth with a coating of carbon nanotubes and cloth with a coating of silver nanowires have the potential decrease the power that is used to heat inanimate objects and empty spaces, and increase the use of efficient personal heating systems. The textiles were coated in a metallic nanowire solution, this can be any nanowire derived from a metal, or carbon. This coating of the nanowire solution shrinks the space between fibers that would otherwiseRead MoreNotes On Material Science Engineering1373 Words  | 6 Pagesdetermined the structure of graphite at the Davy Faraday Laboratory at the Royal Institution in London. In his paper (Bernal, 1924) (1), Bernal wrote about how the carbon atoms are arranged in a honeycomb lattice with free electrons allowing graphite to conduct electricity. He also suspected that graphite can be made up of single layer plane carbon atoms. Hence, leading to graphene stacks becoming graphite. In 1946, Canadian Physicist Philip Russel Wallace was interested in finding out the properties of
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Night World The Chosen Chapter 9 Free Essays
How long since he’d identified with humans? That had all stopped the day he stopped being human himself. Not at the moment he’d stopped being human, though. At first all his anger had been for Hunter Redfern†¦. We will write a custom essay sample on Night World : The Chosen Chapter 9 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Waking up from the dead was an experience you don’t forget. For Quinn, it happened in the Redfern cabin on a husk mattress in front of the fire. He opened his eyes to see three beautiful girls leaning over him. Garnet, with her wine-colored hair shining in the ruby light, Lily with her black hair and her eyes like topaz, and Dove, his own Dove, brown-haired and gentle, with anxious love in her face. That was when Hunter informed him that he’d been dead for three days. â€Å"I told your father you’d gone to Plymouth; don’t tell him otherwise. And don’t try to move yet; you’re too weak. We’ll bring in something soon and you can feed.†He stood behind his daughters, his arms around them, all of them looking down at Quinn. â€Å"Be happy. You’re one of us now.†But all Quinn felt was horror-and pain. When he put his thumbs to his teeth, he found the source of the pain. His canine teeth were as long as a wildcat’s and they throbbed at the slightest touch. He was a monster. An unholy creature who needed blood to survive. Hunter Redfern had been telling the truth about his family, and he’d changed Quinn into one of them. Insane with fury, Quinn jumped up and tried to get his hands around Hunter’s throat. And Hunter just laughed, fending off the attack easily. The next thing Quinn knew, he was running down the blazed trail in the forest, heading for his father’s house. Staggering and stumbling down the trail, rather. He was almost too weak to walk. Then suddenly Dove was beside him. Little Dove who looked as if she couldn’t outrun a flower. She steadied him, held him up, and tried to convince him to go back. But Quinn could only think of one thing: getting to his father. His father was a minister; his father would know what to do. His father would help. And Dove, at last, agreed to go with him. Later Quinn would realize that of course he should have known better. They reached Quinn’s home. At that point, if Quinn was afraid of anything, it was that his father wouldn’t believe this wild story of bloodthirst and death. But one look at Quinn’s new teeth convinced his father of everything. He could recognize a devil when he saw one, he said. And he knew his duty. Like every Puritan’s, it was to cast out sin and evil wherever he found it. With that, his father picked up a brand from the fire-a good piece of seasoned pine-and then grabbed Dove by the hair. It was around this time that the screaming started, the screaming Quinn would be able to hear forever after if he listened. Dove was too gentle to put up much of a fight. And Quinn himself was too weak to save her. He tried. He threw himself on top of Dove to shield her from the stake. He would always have the scar on his side to prove it. But the wood that nicked him pierced Dove to the heart. She died looking up at him, the light in her brown eyes going out. Then everything was confusion, with his father chasing him, crying, brandishing the bloody stake pulled from Dove’s body. It ended when Hunter Red-fern appeared at the door with Lily and Garnet. They took Quinn and Dove home with them, while Quinn’s father went running to the neighbors for help. He wanted help burning the Redfern cabin down. That was when Hunter said it, the thing that severed Quinn’s ties with his old world. He looked down at his dead daughter and said, â€Å"She was too gentle to live in a world full of humans. Do you think you can do any better?†And Quinn, dazed and starving, so frightened and full of horror that he couldn’t talk, decided then that he would. Humans were the enemy. No matter what he did, they would never accept him. He had become something they could only hate-so he might as well become it thoroughly. â€Å"You see, you don’t have a family anymore,†Hunter mused. â€Å"Unless it’s the Redferns.†Since then, Quinn had thought of himself only as a vampire. He shook his head, feeling clearer than he had for days. The girl had disturbed him. The girl in the cellar, the girl whose face he had never seen. For two days after that night, all he could think of was somehow finding her. What had happened between them†¦ well, he still didn’t understand that. If she had been a witch, he’d have thought she bewitched him. But she was human. And she’d made him doubt everything he knew about humans. She’d awakened feelings that had been sleeping since Dove died in his arms. But now†¦ now he thought it was just as well he hadn’t been able to find her. Because the cellar girl wasn’t just human, she was a vampire hunter. Like his father. His father, who, wild-eyed and sobbing, had driven the stake through Dove’s heart. As always, Quinn felt himself losing his grip on sanity as he remembered it. What a pity that he’d have to kill the cellar girl the next time he saw her. But there was no help for it. Vampire hunters were worse than the ordinary human vermin, who were just stupid. Vampire hunters were the sin and the evil that had to be cast out. The Night World was the only world. And I haven’t been to the dub in a week, Quinn thought, showing his teeth. He laughed out loud, a strange and brittle sound. Well, I guess I’d better go tonight. It’s all part of the great dance, you see, he thought to the cellar girl, who of course couldn’t hear him. The dance of life and death. The dance that’s going on right this minute all over the world, in African savannas and Arctic snowfields and the bushes in Boston Common. Killing and eating. Hunting and dying. A spider snags a bluebottle fly; a polar bear grabs a seal. A coyote springs on a rabbit. It’s the way the world has always been. Humans were part of it, too, except that they let slaughterhouses do the killing for them and received their prey in the form of McDonald’s hamburgers. There was an order to things. The dance required that someone be the hunter and someone else be the hunted. With all those young girls longing to offer themselves to the darkness, it would be cruel of Quinn not to provide a darkness to oblige them. They were all only playing their parts. Quinn headed for the club, laughing in a way that scared even him. The club was only a few streets away from the warehouse, Rashel noted. Made sense. Everything about this operation had the stamp of efficiency, and she sensed Quinn’s hand in that. I wonder what he’s getting paid to provide the girls for sale? she thought. She’d heard that Quinn liked money. â€Å"Remember, once we get inside, you don’t know me,†she said to Daphne. â€Å"It’s safer for both of us that way. They might suspect something if they knew that first you escaped and now you’re turning up with a stranger.†â€Å"Got it.†Daphne looked excited and a little scared. Under her coat, she was wearing a slinky black top and a brief skirt, and her black-stockinged legs twinkled as she ran toward the club door. Under Rashel’s coat, hidden in the lining, was a knife. Like her sword, it was made of lignum vitae, the hardest wood on earth. The sheath had several interesting secret compartments. It was the knife of a ninja, and Sensei, who had taught Rashel the martial arts, wouldn’t have approved at all. He wouldn’t have approved of Rashel made it in, too, her story must have passed inspection. That was a relief. Inside, the place looked like hell. Not a shambles. It literally looked like Hell. Hades. The Underworld. The lights turned it into a place of infernal fire and twisting purple shadows. The music was weird and dissonant and sounded to Rashel as if it were being played backward. She caught scraps of conversation as she walked across the floor. â€Å"†¦ going out Dumpster diving later†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"†¦ no money. So I gotta jack somebody†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"†¦ told Mummy I’d be at the key-dub meeting†¦Ã¢â‚¬ You get a real cross section here, she thought dryly. Everybody had one thing in common, though; they were young. Kids. The oldest looked about eighteen. The youngest-well, there were a few girls Rashel would put at twelve. She had an impulse to go back and insert something wooden into Ivan. A slow fire that had started in her chest when she first heard about the Crypt was burning hotter and hotter with everything she saw here. This entire place is a snare, a gigantic Venus’ flytrap, she thought as she took off her coat and added it to a pile on the floor. But if she wanted to shut it down, she had to stay cool, stick to her plan. Standing by a cast-iron column, she scanned the room for vampires. And there, standing with a little group that in-duded Daphne, was Quinn. It gave Rashel an odd shock to see him, and she wanted to look away. She couldn’t. He was laughing, and somehow that caught hold of her like a fishhook. For a moment the morbid lighting of the room seemed rainbow-colored in the radiance shed by that laughter. Appalled, Rashel realized that her face had flushed and her heart was beating fast. I hate him, she thought, and this was true. She did hate him for what he was doing to her. He made her feel unmoored and adrift. Confused. Helpless. She understood why those girls were clustered around him, longing to fling themselves into his darkness like a bunch of virgin sacrifices jumping into a volcano. I mean, what else do you do with a guy like that? she thought. Kill him. It would be the only solution even if he weren’t a vampire, she decided with sudden insane cheer. Because prolonged contact with that smile was obviously going to annihilate her. Rashel blinked rapidly, getting a grip on herself. All right. Concentrate on that, on the job to be done. She was going to have to kill him, but not now; right now she had to get herself chosen. Walking carefully on her heels, she went over to join Quinn’s group. He didn’t see her at first. He was facing Daphne and a couple of other girls, laughing frequently- too frequently. He looked wild and a little feverish to Rashel. A sort of devilish Mad Hatter at an insane tea party. â€Å"†¦ and I just felt so totally awful that I didn’t get to meet you,†Daphne was saying, â€Å"and I just wish I knew what happened, because it was just so seriously weird†¦Ã¢â‚¬ She was telling her story, Rashel realized. At least none of the people listening seemed openly suspicious. â€Å"I haven’t seen you here before,†came a voice behind her. It belonged to a striking girl with dark hair, very pale skin, and eyes like amber or topaz†¦ or a hawk’s. Rashel froze, every muscle tensing, trying to keep her face expressionless. Another vampire. She was sure of it. The camellia-petal skin, the light in the eyes†¦ this must be the girl vampire who’d brought Daphne food in the warehouse. â€Å"No, this is my first time,†Rashel said, making her voice light and eager. â€Å"My name’s Shelly.†It was close enough to her own name that she would turn automatically if anyone said it. â€Å"I’m Lily.†The girl said it without warmth, and those hawklike eyes continued to bore straight into Rashel’s. Rashel had to struggle to stay on her feet. It’s Lily Redfern, she thought, working desperately to keep an idiot smile plastered on her face. I know it is. How many Lily’s can there be who’d be working with Quinn? I’ve got a Redfern right here in front of me. I’ve got Hunter Redfern’s daughter here. For an instant she was tempted to simply make a dash for her knife. Killing a celebrity like Lily seemed almost worth giving up the enclave. But on the other hand, Hunter Redfern was a moderate sort of vampire, with a lot of influence on the Night World Council. He helped keep other vampires in line. Striking at him through his daughter would just make him mad, and then he might start listening to the Councilors who wanted to slaughter humans in droves. And Rashel would lose any hope of getting at the heart of the slave trade, where the real scum were. I hate politics, Rashel thought. But she was already beaming at Lily, prattling for all she was worth. â€Å"It was my friend Marnie who told me about this place, and I’m really glad I came because it’s even better than I thought, and I’ve got this poem I wrote-â€Å" â€Å"Really. Well, I’m dying not to hear it,†Lily said. Her hawklike eyes had lost interest. Her face was filled with open contempt-she’d dismissed Rashel as a hopeless fawning idiot. She walked away without glancing back. Two tests passed. One to go. â€Å"That’s what I like about Lily. She’s just so absolutely cold,†a girl beside Rashel said. She had wavy bronze hair and bee-stung lips. â€Å"Hi, I’m Juanita,†she added. And she’s serious, Rashel thought as she introduced herself. Quinn’s group had noticed her at last, and they all seemed to agree with Juanita. They were fascinated by Lily’s cold personality, her lack of feeling. They saw it as strength. Yeah, because feeling hurts. Maybe I should worship her, too, Rashel thought. She was finding too many things in common with these girls. â€Å"Lily the ice princess,†another girl murmured. â€Å"It’s like she’s not even really from earth at all. It’s like she’s from another planet.†â€Å"Hold that thought,†a new voice said, a crisp, laughing, slightly insane voice. The effect it had on Rashel was remarkable. It made her back stiffen and sent tingles up her palms. It closed her throat. Okay, test number three, she thought, drawing on every ounce of discipline she’d learned in the martial arts. Don’t lose zanshin. Stay loose, stay frosty, and go with it. You can do this. She turned to meet Quinn’s eyes. How to cite Night World : The Chosen Chapter 9, Essay examples
Friday, December 6, 2019
Business Organization And Human Resource †
Question: Discuss about the Business Organization And Human Resource. Answer: Human Resource is considered as an essential resource of a business organization and human resource management plays an empirical role for the business entity in gaining competitive advantage. A few examinations have demonstrated that (HR) operations and activities affect the performance level and competitive strategies of a business corporation. Considering that human resource management (HRM) plays a strategic role for an entity (Managementstudyguide 2017). It is an operation within a business entity which is focused on selecting, overseeing and coordinating individuals who work in it. This idea oversees issues related to pay, execution organization, and advancement of an association, security, wellbeing, benefits, worker inspiration, preparing, and others. HRM has a key influence in managing people and the workplace culture and working conditions. If practical, the idea is equipped for contributing fundamentally to the association heading and the accomplishment of its destinations and objectives. The demonstration of HRM must be seen through the crystal of key goals for the business as opposed to a independent tint that takes a unit in light of a littler scale approach (Armstrong and Taylor, 2014). The idea here is to get a far reaching point of view towards HRM that provides a surety, that there are no piecemeal procedures and the HRM approach traps itself totally with those of the authoritative objectives. For instance, if the training requirements of the representatives are fundamentally met with last minute preparing on omnibus focuses, the firm stands to lose not simply from the time that the specialists spend in preparing yet, what's more, lost heading. Subsequently, the business corporation that considers its HRM approaches significantly will guarantee that training is based and focused on topical techniques. According to Therith, (2009), it has been cited that HRM is the primary division which pushes the association to meet the objective since it works with line manager, has a decent communication with all division in an association, know clear about association's objective and target. So HRM has been considered as critical to for gaining success. Moreover, Din et al., (2014), observed that numerous scientists have discovered a positive connection between executions of the business entity and HRM activities. An increase in the pressure has been observed in the corporate sector to embrace the HRM operations to upgrade execution and aggressiveness of business operations which utilizes many individuals. An employee's execution can be expanded contingent upon the treatment distributed to them by the organization. Returns of the HRM rehearses are noteworthy if speculation is made toward this path. It can have a positive effect in diminishing turnover and expanding the profitability and productivity of the organization. The author also stated that HRM practices decidedly affect the aptitudes, abilities, knowledge improvement, and inspiration and raise the maintenance of skilled workers (Rees and Smith, 2017). Additionally, the weak performers are expected to leave the business corporation. Performance appraisal, internal promotion f rameworks, and motivation remuneration framework are known to inspire workers to enhance performance level and make strides the overall execution of the firm. Numerous specialists have called attention to that HRM practices can be utilized to pick up upper hand over their rivals and enhance the execution of firms which incorporates arranging procedure, training and advancement program, enrollment and selection programs, performance evaluation framework, compensation policy etc. As per the overview executed by Brown et al., (2009), analysts proposed a three-angled part by which the impact of these mechanisms (i.e., high-consideration, unrivaled work structures, and various leveled obligation) on authoritative execution is guessed to happen and moreover the sorts of HR rehearses that would add to this segment. At first are the "human capital base", which is a get-together of HR available to the business company, for instance, capability of workforce, information, and potential. The organizations enrollment, choice, preparing, and improvement process are proposed to explicitly impact the human capital data. Second is the affiliation's capability to move their HR, which gets influenced by varied strategies including prize and work systems. The last base is representative commitment, work configuration; work frameworks and so forth are prescribed to impact how much labors have the opportunity to contribute. Furthermore, the author also noted that a model has been proposed in which three mediating factors would direct the impact of HRM Operations on the performance of a business organization (Ahmad, Zaman and Shah, 2015). Initially, he recommended that expertise and capacity (quality) would be influenced by recruitment, training and advancement, and nature of improvements events. Second, exertion/inspiration would be influenced by single status, professional stability, internal appraisal, and individualized incentive frameworks. At last, he proposed that part of framework and discernment (adaptability) would be influenced by interacting, employee engagement and contribution, team performance, job configuration, as well as adaptable job details. Moreover, arguments have been made by others that effective and creative HRM operations and activities will be tapping the dedication and determination of the workforce within the business corporation (Veloso, Tzafrir and Enosh, 2015). For instance, "Innovative and creative human resource activities and functionalities are probably going to add to economic performance after when the followed situations are met: when workforce have learning and aptitudes that managers need; when workforce are inspired to apply this expertise and learning through optional exertion; and when the company's business or manufacturing strategy must be accomplished when workforce contribute such optional exertion. In the limelight of the above-executed analysis, it has been reviewed that Human resource management is the vital concept which plays a crucial role in enhancing the productivity of an organization. References Managementstudyguide, 2017, Importance of HRM for organizational success, Assessed on 2ND September 2017, Therith, C.T, 2009, HRM, Assessed on 2nd September 2017, Din, S., Bibi, Z., Karim, J. and Bano, A., 2014. HRM Practices Can Do the Miracles: A Case Study of Pharmaceutical Companies.Pakistan Journal of Social Sciences (PJSS),34(2). Brown, J. Elliott, S. Hughes, J. Lyons, S. Mann, S. and Zdaniuk, A, 2009, Using Human Resource Management (HRM) Practices to Improve Productivity in the Canadian Tourism Sector, Assessed on 2nd September 2017, Armstrong, M. and Taylor, S., 2014.Armstrong's handbook of human resource management practice. Kogan Page Publishers. Veloso, A., Tzafrir, S. and Enosh, G., 2015. How employees perceive HRM practices: Differences between public and private organizations.Human resource management challenges and changes, pp.19-36. Ahmad, W., Zaman, N. and Shah, S.H., 2015. The role of HRM practices on employees commitment to organization in private sector Banks of Pakistan. A case study of District Abbottabad.International Journal of Research,2(2), pp.1288-1304. Rees, G. and Smith, P. eds., 2017.Strategic human resource management: An international perspective. Sage.
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