Friday, November 29, 2019
Supernatural In Hamlet Essay Example For Students
Supernatural In Hamlet Essay In the time of William Shakespeare there was a strong belief in the existence of the supernatural. Thus, the supernatural is a recurring aspect in many of Shakespeares plays. In two such plays, Hamlet and Macbeth, the supernatural is an integral part of the structure of the plot. It provides a catalyst for action, an insight into character, and augments the impact of many key scenes. The supernatural appears to the audience in many varied forms. In Hamlet, the most notable form of the supernatural that appears is the ghost. However, in Macbeth, a ghost, a floating dagger, witches, and prophetic apparitions make appearances. The role of the supernatural is very important in Hamlet and Macbeth. The role that the supernatural plays is important because it is an integral part of the structure of the plot. We will write a custom essay on Supernatural In Hamlet specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now A ghost appearing in the form of Hamlets father makes several appearances in the play. It first appears to the watchmen, Marcellus and Bernardo, along with Horatio near the guardsmens post. The ghost says nothing to them and is perceived with fear and apprehension; it harrows me with fear and wonder. It is not until the appearance of Hamlet that the ghost speaks, and only then after Horatio has expressed his fears about Hamlet following it, What if it tempt you toward the flood, my lord, or to the dreadful summit of the cliff. This illustrates how Horatio is concerned for Hamlets well being. The conversation between the ghost and Hamlet serves as a catalyst for Hamlets later actions and provides insight into Hamlets character. The information the ghost reveals incites Hamlet into action against a situation he was already uncomfortable with. Hamlet is not quick to believe the ghost, The spirit that I have seen may be a devil and perhaps out of my weakness and my melancholy abuses me to damn me. Thus, an aspect of Hamlets character is further revealed when Hamlet encounters the ghost in his mothers room. In this scene the ghost makes an appearance to what Hamlets almost blunted purpose. Hamlet is now convinced of the ghost and he no longer harbours any suspicion. He now listens to it, Speak to her, Hamlet. In Hamlet, the supernatural is the guiding force behind the character of Hamlet. The ghost asks Hamlet to seek revenge for the Kings death and Hamlet is thus propelled to set into action a series of events that ends in Hamlets death. The supernatural is a re-occurring event in Macbeth. It is present in all the scenes with the witches, the appearance of Banquos ghost, the prophecies the apparitions bring, and in the air-drawn dagger that guides Macbeth towards his victim. Of the supernatural phenomenon evident in Macbeth, the witches are perhaps the most important. The witches represent Macbeths evil ambitions. They are the catalysts, which unleash Macbeths evil aspirations. Macbeth believes the witches and wishes to know more about the future so after the banquet he seeks them out at their cave. He wants to know the answers to his questions regardless of whether the consequences are violent and destructive to nature. The witches promise to answer and at Macbeths choice they add further unnatural ingredients to the cauldron and call up their masters. This is where the prophetic apparitions appear. The first apparition is Macbeths own head (later to be cut off by Macduff) confirming his fears of Macduff. The second apparition tells Macbeth that he can not be harmed by anyone who is born by a woman. This knowledge gives Macbeth a false sense of security because he believes that he cannot be harmed, yet Macduff was not of born by a woman, his mother was dead and a corpse when Macduff was born. This leads to Macbeths downfall. The third apparition is a child with a crown on his head, represents Malcolm, Duncans son. This apparition also gives Macbeth a false sense of security because of the Birnam Wood prophecy. The supernatural is a recurring aspect in many of the plays written by William Shakespeare. In Hamlet and Macbeth the supernatural is an integral part of the structure of the plot. In these plays the supernatural provides a catalyst for
Monday, November 25, 2019
The Naturalists Progress essays
The Naturalist's Progress essays This article was one that used the array of exotic plants and animals to show humankinds narrow-minded approach to the observations made in our world. It displayed our shallow approach in environmental education that the whole of that species has to be appreciated as opposed to individual parts. The author illustrated this with the Paradisea apoda the footless bird of paradise; which is commonly known as the Toucan. As stated in the article the natives on New Guinea saw this magnificent bird as an aesthetically beautiful creature too and gave it to the first Europeans who visited their land. The only thing was that the beauty that the natives saw was in the plumage of the bird and removed the feet thus bringing forth the name. The author also brought forth that fact that when children and amateurs collect flowers that they collect the buds of the flower, not including the roots and stems. These characteristics in both the Toucan and the flowers/herbs can show us that by not studying the whole of the specimen that there is a limitation on what you can find out about the creature. Therefore making it harder to observe these different species. When observing one must ask questions like why is the beak of a Toucan so colorful? Why is the beak so long? How does the Tou can perch on a branch? In conclusion without studying the whole, we are just swimming in a kiddy pool of life never going to the deep end to explore a more in-depth view. Without asking everything we can about a creature then we may never be able to explore the full aspects of a creature. Without the whole we only have part of the answers. ...
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Human Services Program and Profession Unit Research Paper
Human Services Program and Profession Unit - Research Paper Example According to the paper the reporter wants to learn how to network clientele with needed society resources and services. Additionally, the degree course should prepare him on how to serve for the worker as a basis to convey a thorough baccalaureate degrees. The human service degree and program should support national agenda approval with the national accrediting body for human service degrees. He expects to take part in students’ election to aim my academic course in the human service, psychological health or gerontology domain. This can be accomplished by following two applied that are aimed particularly in the selected area of concentration.This strudy stresses that the author looks forward to getting a GPA above 2.75 amongst the Human Services candidates. This way, he can get a continuing learning credit for more than half a decade ought to file his familiarity with all units and fields associated with the human services degree course and profession. The course should also e nable him to join groups that create a path to adhering to the guidelines provided by the National Organization for Human Services. The author looks forward to standardizing crucial education anticipations and morals in human services class involved with human services workers. The class should be able to bestow the HS-BCP credentials. The reporter wants to learn how to prim my colleagues to effectually work and knowledgeably operate systems in need of uninterrupted care, assistance and individual support.Â
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Crime Scene Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Crime Scene - Research Paper Example Even though they are the most common, they are also the most easily contaminated and therefore, must be handled literally with kid gloves. When a crime scene investigator is called upon to collect hair sample evidence, he can do this a number of ways. However, the most common method is to ; â€Å"use the fingers or tweezers to pick up hair, place in paper bundles or coin envelopes which should then be folded and sealed in larger envelopes. Label the outer sealed envelope.†In instances when the hair is found to be mixed with blood or other items at the crime scene, it is important to preserve all the types of evidence present. Therefore, in order to collect the hair sample while attached to say, a bloodstain, a CSI might find himself leaving the hair intact where it dried up or got mixed up in because of the method by which it is recovered and packed ; â€Å"If the object is small, mark it, wrap it, and seal it in an envelope. If the object is large, wrap the area containing the hair in paper to prevent loss of hairs during shipment. â€Å" (â€Å"†Evidence Collection Guidelines†) Tests that can be performed on a hair sample include Fresh Blood on the other hand, â€Å"... needs to be absorbed in a gauze pad or sterile cloth and allowed to dry thoroughly†. If whole pieces of clothing are retrieved, â€Å"label and roll in paper or place in a brown paper bag or box and seal and label container. Place only one item in each container. Do not use plastic containers., then allow it to dry at room temperature at the crime lab.†(â€Å"†Evidence Collection Guidelines†) These types of evidence cannot be exposed to sunlight as it will contaminate the blood. Dried blood on the other hand, requires that the clothing be wrapped in clean containers in the same manner as fresh blood. If the blood is found on small objects, the object should be wrapped, labeled, and sealed in a box before being shipped to the laboratory. (†Å"†Evidence Collection Guidelines†). It is important to not mix blood stains and instead place any stains retrieved from table or counter tops in separate envelopes. It is important to not retrieve the blood evidence with moistened cloth or tissue paper because its chemical composition will influence the freshly recovered evidence. One of the tests can be performed on both dry and liquid samples would be DNA matching and blood chemical analysis for those suspected of being poisoned. When recovering firearms, it is important to wear latex gloves in order to preserve any DNA, trace, or fingerprints on the gun. Remember to treat it as a loaded gun even though the visual evidence indicates the cartridge is empty. Remember that there may be unfired bullets in the chamber and therefore, the weapon should not be shipped by any method for safety reasons. Prior to sending the gun to the lab, it is of the utmost importance that the serial number, make and model, caliber and model markings are properly recorded because â€Å"Marking firearms is important since duplicate serial numbers are sometimes found on different guns of the same make and general type.†(â€Å"†Evidence Collection Guidelines†) When a gun is recovered at the crime scene, shell casings from the bullets won't be far behind. As with the gun itself, latex gloves are the order of the day when recovering the bullet casings. The bullets should be wrapped in paper or dropped into the small evidence bag that are properly labeled. Once a while, labeled pill boxes and envelopes may
Monday, November 18, 2019
How Service Providers Ensure Consumer Retention Essay
How Service Providers Ensure Consumer Retention - Essay Example This is because it is only through customer retention that these service providers can gain a competitive advantage over other firms in the same industry. Nevertheless, the question is, how does these service providers ensure this? The purpose of this paper is to explore the strategies employed by service providers to ensure customer retention. One key element of customer retention is ensuring that customers are provided with quality goods and services (Buttle 12). It is noted that many service providers tend to strive towards the provision of quality good and services as a way of keeping their customers loyal to the company. This is because no single customer would be willing to come back to get the products or services of a company that they had previous been dissatisfied. Buttle notes that many customers would only be willing to remain loyal to those companies that provide quality products and services to their customers (14). This is one of the reasons as to why companies such as Walmart, Target and Kroger among others have large customer retention base. These retail shops attribute its customer loyalty to the fact that it provides better quality products and services, which has kept their customers coming again and again. Research shows that customer retention is not only based on provision of better quality products and services, but also on creating awareness on the existence of the products and services (Hennig-Thurau and Hansen 102). Many service providers are aware of this fact, and as a result engage on extensive advertising campaign to inform their customers of the existence of their products and services, as is the case with Walmart one of the largest grocery retail shop in the US. Walmart, for instance, does this through mailing list, local advertising, video marketing, email list and facebook among others. Customer retention is also very much dependent on customer service (Lamb 44). As a result, to ensure that customers remain loyal to the compan y, service providers always ensure that customers are provided with optimal customer service. This involves extending a helping hand to the customers all the time irrespective of the place and time. Technological advancement have made this easier to service provider as they can now do this through social media networks to keep in close contact with their customers as is the case with Target retail. This ensures that customer’s queries and problems are handled in time making them feel valued, thus building loyalty. In addition, many service providers ensure that those employed at the customer care desks are professional with etiquette, hospitable and able to handle their customers well. This is because these are the people who mainly come into close contact with customers first. They, therefore, their first impression with the customers can impact greatly on whether the customer will remain loyal or not. Take for example a situation where a customer makes an important call to the company and it is not picked by the customer care employee in time. Such behaviors makes customer feel less valued by the company and as such will seek the services of competitors who can handle them well. Making a customer feel special and valued is another factor that contributes immensely to customer loyalty. Many at time, customers prefer being valued and treated in a special way for them to remain loyal.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Immortal Technique: The 4th Branch
Immortal Technique: The 4th Branch This discourse analysis will focus on Immortal Techniques song called the 4th Branch published on his 2003-released CD Revolutionary Vol. 2. This paper will start by portraying the artist, focusing on his inspirations, followed by a brief description of discourse analysis and the definition of content analysis which is used to study the lyrics. Finally, this work will regard the main concepts of the power of discourse, the media and Islamophobia together, by acknowledging the link in between these terms, building a critical approach towards American actions and values. Felipe Andres Coronel is a hip-hop artist known as Immortal Technique as well as a political activist, born in Peru. After immigrating to the United States at a young age due to a civil war in his native country, he was raised in Harlem, New York ( The artist describes himself as a revolutionary and socialist guerrilla, influenced by historical events and political figures such as Malcolm X, Che Guevara or TÃ ºpac Amaru ( Mainly his raps involve critical issues such as global and local poverty, racism and religion ( Turning down a deal by a major record label, and signing with a smaller label (Viper Records), he expressed his desire to remain in control over his music, avoiding the influence of mass production ( Method In the recent decades, discourse analysis affected social psychology research on not solely textual analysis, but also areas such as films, speeches or policy documents. Accordingly, it introduced new methods in order to explore objectively tendencies and pattern of meanings within documents and focus on the interaction between e.g. the speaker and addressee (Antaki, et al., 2003; Stemler, 2001; Fairclough, 1992, p.3). Researchers often use computer programs known as CAQDAS (Computer-Assisted Qualitative Data Analysis Software) to study qualitative analysis (MacMillan and Koenig, 2004, p.181-182). These computer-based methods for qualitative data analysis, help organizing and coding the data (Fielding and Lee, 1996, p.242). This paper will use content analysis to study the artefact and is characterized as a systematic, replicable technique for compressing many words of text into fewer content categories based on explicit rules of coding (Stemler, 2001). Weber determines category as a group of words with similar meaning or connotations (Stemler, 2001). This study is defined as any technique for making inferences by objectively and systematically identifying specified characteristics of messages by Holsti (Stemler, 2001). This evolves an inductive reasoning, in contrast to deductive approaches. Due to observations and measurements, regularities are explored, followed by the proposition of a hypothesis, out of which a theory or a general conclusion can be drawn (Trochim, 2006). The procedure of this analysis allows to describe the centre of individual or groups as well as institutional or social attention (Stemler, 2001). After having coded and categorizing the words or the families of terms into groups, u nderlining topics and issue become clearly visible. If applied properly, content analysis is an influential data reduction technique due to its systematic, replicable technique for compressing many words of text into fewer content categories based on explicit rules of coding (Stemler, 2001). Analysis of the artefact 1000 words This discourse analysis focuses on the artefact of a song-text. Quantitative and qualitative key words in text give hint to main terms of soft power, religion and American actions and values. In order to receive the most objective result, this analysis was coded independently three times and the average result is considered. Furthermore, it only regards the first and second verse as well as considering the chorus only one time. Discourse and American values, actions This analysis starts by referencing to the ideas of discourse. Twenty-three times the families of words linked to American actions and values are found. When talking about discourse, Michael Foucault plays an important role. He claims that knowledge is interconnected with power. Discourse as the production of knowledge is linked to variety degrees of power; how some voices get heard whilst others are silenced (Pinkus, 1996). It explains the change of language and its construction, linked to the social and cultural process (Fairclough, 1992, p.1, 6). It uses the principle of othering to establish self-identities, achieved by creating a language of dislike and fear in this case towards non-Americans and terrorists (Jackson, 2005, p.59-61). These binary categorizations are sufficient enough to capture the publics support against terrorists constructed as intolerable threats (Jackson, 2005, p.61, 72; Benjamin and Simon, 2003, p.385). Additionally, the U.S. are portrayed as fighters for j ustice, while the Middle East and its population is defined as uncivilized. Immortal Techniques asks: fighting for freedom and fighting terror, but whats reality?, hence, it is important to acknowledge the standpoint out of which terms are illustrated (Sakamoto, 2003, p.39). In addition, America often acted in disregard to their moral values which partly destroyed their positive image. Iraq was invaded in 2003 after the U.S. failure to receive UN approval; self-interested military actions and its ignorance towards international law portrayed Americas unilateralism (Taylor, 2010, p.313; Sakamoto, 2003, p.35). Human rights violations, we continue the saga is prove of this critique and is e.g. linked to Americas treatment of prisoner in Guantanamo Bay as well as in Abu Ghraib. Media and soft power The following section will develop this idea by looking at the notion of soft power and the use of media. The data refers twenty-two times to the families of words linked to factors such as manipulation, propaganda and representation. Due to the title and line the fourth branch of the government AKA the media, it is essential to explain the other three branches of the American government. The first branch is the executive one, responsible for implying the nations laws, while the second branch is concerned with judicial matters, followed by the third, legislative branch (USA, 2011). The artist refers to the media and its influential power as the forth branch, which eventually leads to soft power. Nye explains his as a method to reach diplomatic solutions and co-operations without coercion, emphasizing on shared political values, communication and understanding (Wagner, 2005; Ilgen, 2006, p.27). Moreover it is a sort of propaganda, capable of influencing and shaping behaviours and perc eptions of others, deriving from the attractiveness of a countrys culture, political ideals and policies (Nye, 2004, p.x; Ilgen, 2006, p.75). This form of power is contrasted to hard power, defined as the employment of threats and coercion, enforcing national interests on to other actors (Nye, 2004, p.2; Wagner 2005). Hence, the media is vital for American politics. Furthermore it plays a crucial role in constructing images and categories and helps to justify and explain American actions. It establishes an everyday and political language into the nations culture due to its role as channel between society and politics, while the average citizen, made to be, blind to the reason through media censorship and manipulation (Jackson, 2005, p.59, 66, 164). Religion and Islamophobia Nine lines are concerned with the topics of religion and difference between Western and Islamic traditions, such as a fake church called the prophet Muhammad a terrorist. This implies a critique of Christianity and refers to the notion of Islamophobia, which is defined as the mostly Western intolerance and fear of Muslims and Islamic otherness; it emphasis on its differences, defined as inferior to the West and unresponsive to change (Islamophobia Watch; Gottschalk and Greenberg, 2008, p.2). It is a form of religious discrimination based on prejudice other than race and ethnicity (Sheridan, 2006, p.317, 331). After the events of 11/9, Islam and its followers are seen as violent and threatening, supporting terrorism and military advances towards to West (Islamophobia Watch). Due to the fact that the mainstream media does not inform about the nonviolent Muslim perspectives, this hatred is hardened and alienates Muslims from other communities (Gottschalk and Greenberg, 2008, p.2). Muslims appear as executioners of violence, in the name of Islam, hence Americans conclude that all Muslims act out of religious reassignment and define the religion as dangerous (Gottschalk and Greenberg, 2008, p.10). Additionally anti-Muslim hostility is justified as normal. Christianity and Judaism are defined as Western religious traditions, alienating themselves from Eastern religious tradition (Gottschalk and Greenberg, 2008, p.6). The way Muslim are portrayed in the West, creates tensions leading to anti-Americanism, conflicts, clashes, misunderstandings and injustices; seemingly they to do share any common interests or values (Gottschalk and Greenberg, 2008, p.3, 10). After having categorized the lyrics into three main divisions, this analysis builds its theory; the artist seeks to demonstrate the power of propaganda through the media and soft power, and the ideas indoctrinate in American minds about their nations values and actions. Due to discourse, the representation of Islam in the mainstream media and through political actions, hatred against Muslims was triggered, which led to the construction of the War on Terror, as well as anti-Americanism throughout the world. American actions were justified trough lies such as Iraq possessing weapons of mass destruction in order to implant fear among their citizens and gain their empathy (Gottschalk and Greenberg, 2008, p.7, 8). The song ends with the artists demand to his listeners, to turn off the news and read; hence to broaden ones horizons, avoiding being influenced by certain (manipulated) ideas or deprived from the whole truth. To conclude, this work uses content analysis to study the lyrics of the artist Immortal Technique. This research method focuses on use of the dominant families of words which in this artefact are discourse, false American values and actions, soft power, media, religion and Islamophobia. In addition, this approach endeavours to find the link between them, which is the power to alter representation and language in everyday life and hence, establishes a critical view towards American society, its politics and its media.
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Theories of Post-Coloniality: Edward W. Said and W.B. Yeats :: Essays Papers
Theories of Post-Coloniality: Edward W. Said and W.B. Yeats (Citations from Said’s essay â€Å"Yeats and Decolonization†as published by Bay Press, not the Field Day pamphlet) Post-colonial theory, a mode of thought which accepts European Imperialism as a historical fact and attempts to address nations touched by colonial enterprises, has as yet failed to adequately consider Ireland as a post-colonial nation. Undoubtedly, Ireland is a post-colonial nation (where ‘post-’colonial refers to any consequence of colonial contact) with a body of literary work that may be read productively as post-colonial. Although colonialism, as a subject for Irish criticism and theory, has been tentatively broached (for example, see Celtic Revivals (1985) by Seamus Deane) Edward Said’s lecture â€Å"Yeats and Decolonization†, published as a pamphlet by Field Day in 1988, was an important catalyst for post-colonial study of Irish literature and culture. The premise of this now seminal study is that Yeats was a poet of decolonisation, a muse expressing the Irish experience of the dominant colonial power of Britain. Rather than reading Yeats’s poetry from the conventional perspective of high European modernism Said explains that â€Å"he appears to me, and I am sure many others in the Third World, to belong naturally to the other cultural domain†(3). Using this as his point of departure, Said enters into a line of argument which claims that Yeats was a central figure in debating and asserting an overt drive towards the construction of a national Irish identity as a vital act of decolonisation. Further, Said places Yeats within a global framework of anti-Imperialism, drawing parallels between the Irish poet and Third world writers and theorists such as Fanon, Neruda and Achebe. Though an incredibly influential essay, the reverberations of which may still be felt in Inventing Ireland and other texts, it is also a work that demands close analysis and is replete with short-sighted and ill-informed ideas. Said locates Ireland among territories like India, South America, Africa and Malaysia as a site of colonial contention. In doing so he emphasises Ireland’s role, and thus Irish literature, in colonial history as a member of the peripheral (from a Eurocentric viewpoint) Third World. According to this â€Å"bog dwellers†are paralleled as the Irish counterpart to â€Å"innumerable niggers, .... babus and wogs†(6). Yet, this argument, in retrospect, does not hold. Denis Donoghue (â€Å"Confusion in Irish Studies†) has explicitly condemned post-colonial theory for adopting a global paradigm of colonial experience as a discourse which treats all Empires as homogenous.
Monday, November 11, 2019
A Critique on Berger’s Uncertainty Reduction Theory Essay
Introduction When people first meet and interact with each other, they are uncertain with their behavior and with what to say. When this happens, they have the tendency, of course, to reduce that uncertainty. This is what the uncertainty reduction theory of communication talks about. This theory is very applicable in people’s everyday living and experiences. However, although it is widely used, some are still ‘uncertain’ with this theory. This paper aims to give the reader an analysis of the uncertainty reduction theory. Background on Uncertainty Reduction Theory Uncertainty reduction theory or URT was started off by Charles Berger in 1975. During the start of his career, a number of his graduate students disputed that communication was too diverse and unpredictable. That means that it is impossible to be dealt scientifically. Because of this, Berger was challenged to find and present some proofs that would support his theory. He believed that human communication can be studied methodically and precisely. The uncertainty reduction theory was created. In the start of personal relationships, high level of uncertainty is about the other person is present. During the preliminary stages of interaction among strangers, Uncertainty Reduction Theory looks for to direct communication behavior. Then, the major goal or purpose of this theory is to reduce the uncertainty. Along with this, it also aims to increase the predictability. Shared characteristics occur at some point in the initial dialogue between strangers. These include recurrent questions and answers during the first few minutes. There is also an exchange of information with the absence of opinion and usually their conversation is focused on topics like hometown and occupation. In order to minimize uncertainty, URT ponders on how people use communication in obtaining knowledge and discernment. At the first meeting of strangers, their behaviors while communicating are influenced by a set of communication rules and norms. These norms are both explicit and implicit. Furthermore, these rules and norms put up expectations and precedents for early interactions which eventually, cause predictability in the discussion and a diminution in uncertainty. (Moncrieff, 2001) The Uncertainty Reduction Theory proposes that people, particularly strangers, have a want to reduce uncertainty or hesitation about others. This is done by gaining information from each other. This information can be used to predict the behavior of the other. The specific importance of the reduction of uncertainty is in relational development. Successful decrease of uncertainty supports or gives way for positive future interactions. There are two types of uncertainty, behavioral and cognitive. Behavioral uncertainty concerns the prediction or calculation of behavior in certain circumstances. For example, one can predict that interaction will go well because of positive behaviors like smiling. On the other hand, cognitive uncertainty is associated with mind-set or beliefs and attitudes people embrace and is reduced through the gaining of information. (Moncrieff, 2001) The Seven Axioms of Uncertainty Reduction Theory Berger suggests a series of axioms to further discuss the relation between uncertainty and seven vital variables. This is the axiomatic theory, certainty about uncertainty. Axiom 1 says that as the amount of verbal communication increases, there is a decrease in the uncertainty level of the two strangers that has just met.  As a result, the decrease in their uncertainty increases the verbal communication. Axiom 2 is known as the nonverbal warmth. Decline in uncertainty level will cause proliferation in nonverbal affiliative expressiveness. It is because as nonverbal affiliative expressiveness rises, uncertainty levels will lessen. Axiom 3 is about information seeking. Because of the high levels of uncertainty, increases in information-seeking behavior occur. When the uncertainty level drops off, information-seeking also decreases.  Axiom 4 is self-disclosure. The reduction in the intimacy level of communication content is usually caused by relationship’s high level of uncertainty. When there is a decrease in the levels of uncertainty, high levels of intimacy are produced. Axiom 5 is known as reciprocity. Like Axiom 3, high rates of uncertainty also yield high levels of reciprocity. When there is low level of uncertainty, there is low level of reciprocity. Axiom 6 is about similarity. Likeness between persons decreases uncertainty. Much difference between persons produce high rate of uncertainty. Last but not the least, Axiom 7 tells about liking. When there is high uncertainty level, a person tends to dislike the other person. Hence, when there is a decrease in uncertainty, increase in liking is produced. (McGlish, 2006) Critique on the Uncertainty Reduction Theory Natalie Wright critiques Charles Berger’s Uncertainty Reduction Theory in terms of scientific and humainstic. She believes that Berger uses scientific method in dealing with humanistic values to prove and certify his theory. In the Uncertainty Reduction Theory, Wright said that ‘Berger addresses the humanistic feelings of understanding how people feel in unfamiliar relationships and the appeal we have to reduce those anxieties by learning more about others’. However, still according to her, URT is scientific because Berger makes used of all five elements of the scientific model to substantiate and defend his theory. Wright presents a table that would further explain the distinction between scientific and humanistic models (Wright, 2000): Scientific: Humanistic: explanation of data understanding of people prediction of future clarification of values relative simplicity aesthetic appeal testable hypothesis community of agreement practical utility reform of society As a researcher, I support the claim of Natalie Wright. Berger’s theory is scientific because he has clear definition and explanation of his theory. He even provides theory’s purpose and seven axioms that explain how to reduce uncertainty. It is true that it is cored to humanistic ideas. However, its scientific strategies make this theory useful and practical in everyday living. I could say that his axioms are effective. For example, when someone observes two persons who have just met and interact for the first time follow Berger’s patterns of uncertainty reduction, that someone may prove that Berger’s axioms are very accurate. Furthermore, I can say that these axioms are true based on my personal relationships. I also experience meeting a stranger and has applied the uncertainty reduction theory in my own ways. In general, Uncertainty Reduction Theory focuses on how to reduce uncertainty by using human communication in gaining knowledge about the other person. Hence, it results in creating a more predictable and directed relationship. Charles Berger, who designed the theory, comes up with seven axioms. These axioms are accurate and practical enough to be understood and applied by anyone. BIBLIOGRAPHY McGlish, G. (2006). A First Look at Communication Theory Retrieved November 21, 2006, from Moncrieff, K. (2001). Uncertainty Reduction Theory.  Retrieved November 21, 2006, from Wright, N. (2000). A Critique of Berger’s Uncertainty Reduction Theory Retrieved November 21, 2006, from
Friday, November 8, 2019
Federalist Papers 10 and 51 essays
Federalist Papers 10 and 51 essays Madisons essay is filled with figurative and flowery language. In todays terms, a faction would be a special interest group. They are any group of citizen who attempt to advance their ideas or economic interests at the expense of other citizens, or in ways that conflict with the public good. To control a minority faction, there are two options. One option would be to remove whatever causes the faction to rise in the first place. However, this is unrealistic. Therefore, a second proposal was made. In it, Madison says to control factions you dont remove its causes, but control its effects. Factions will never cease to exist so the trick is to serve the public well through the even-handed regulation of such interests. Wise and efficient leaders can adjust such adversity and render them all subservient to the public good. Madisons system of checks and balances controls tyranny while still leaving a government that fulfills the needs of the people because not one branch of government is too powerful. Each has some sort of veto power and the people feel that they have a say through direct election of Senators and other voting privileges. In such a compound of the power surrendered by the people, a first division is made between two distinct governments, and then the portion allotted to each, subdivided among distinct and separate departments. Hence a double security arises to the rights of the people. The different governments will control each other; at the same time that each will be controlled by itself. Also, society is guarded against the oppression of its rulers but also society is guarded against the injustice of the other part. In both Federalist essays, Madison argues the merits of a republic, even though personal liberty must be limited. In my opinion, our republic is moderately a democracy. Were not democratic to the extent where the people vote on every issue, but the people do ...
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Infectious Hepatitis Essay †Biology Research Paper (100 Level Course)
Infectious Hepatitis Essay – Biology Research Paper (100 Level Course) Free Online Research Papers Infectious Hepatitis Essay Biology Research Paper(100 Level Course) Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Inflammation usually produces swelling, tenderness, and sometimes permanent damage. Hepatitis is caused by a number of things including alcohol, drugs, chemicals, and viral infections. If the inflammation of the liver continues at least six months or longer, it is called chronic hepatitis. Currently there are at least five different viruses known to cause viral hepatitis: Viral Hepatitis A: Sometimes called Infectious Hepatitis. It is spread by eating food or drinking water contaminated with human feces. This type of viral hepatitis is infrequently life-threatening. Viral Hepatitis B: Sometimes called Serum Hepatitis. It is spread from mother to child at birth or soon after, through sexual contact, contaminated blood transfusions and needles. This form of viral hepatitis may lead to cirrhosis, or scarring, of the liver. Viral Hepatitis C: Formerly known as non-A, non-B Hepatitis. This form of viral hepatitis is the most common. It can be spread through blood transfusions and contaminated needles. However, for a substantial number of patients, the cause is unknown. This form of viral hepatitis may lead to cirrhosis, or scarring, of the liver. Viral Hepatitis D: This form of viral hepatitis is found most often in IV drug users who are carriers of the hepatitis B virus. It is spread only in the presence of the hepatitis B virus and is transmitted in the same way. This type of viral hepatitis occurs in people who have viral hepatitis B, and is a serious health problem. Viral Hepatitis E: This form of viral hepatitis is similar to viral hepatitis A. It is found most often in people who live in countries with poor sanitation. It is rare in North America, and rarely life-threatening. Many cases of viral hepatitis are not diagnosed because the symptoms are vague and similar to a flu-like illness. Sometimes, there are no symptoms at all. Some individuals with viral hepatitis may develop fatigue, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, abdominal discomfort, muscle and joint aches, and changes in the color of urine and stools. A few of the individuals with viral hepatitis may develop jaundice. Jaundice means that the skin and whites of the eyes turn yellow. Itching of the skin may also occur with jaundice. Two vaccines (Havrix, Vaqta) are now available and both are very safe and effective for preventing hepatitis A. Several inactivated virus vaccines, including Recombivax HB, GenHevac B, Hepagene, and Engerix-B, can prevent hepatitis B and are safe, even for infants and children. A triple-antigen hepatitis B vaccine (Hepacare) is proving to be effective for people who do not respond to the standard vaccines. Vaccination programs are also proving to reduce the risk for liver cancer. A combination vaccine (Twinrix) that contains Engerix-B and Havrix, a hepatitis A vaccine, is now approved for people with risk factors for both hepatitis A and B. For mild cases of acute viral hepatitis, no drug therapy or other treatment is either available or necessary. Hospitalization is needed only for people at high risk for complications, such as pregnant women, elderly people, patients with other serious conditions, or those who have severe nausea and vomiting and need to have fluids administered intravenously. Although there are many vaccines to give out for hepatitis there is still no known cure. I. Medical Microbiology. 16 Mar. 2005 . II. The AGA. 16 Mar. 2005 . III. Reuters Health. 16 Mar 2005
Monday, November 4, 2019
A Description of Gangnam Style Viral Videos Essay
A Description of Gangnam Style Viral Videos - Essay Example The principal idea of the song is of a self-declared popular man searching for the ideal partner who knows the time to become wild and the time to be refined (Copsey 6). In addition, Psy’s Gangnam style unanticipated reputation has led to many interpretations of its meaning. Psy’s Gangnam style established a comical connection with its audience from the beginning. The video rapidly developed an association with the artiste, his actions, and events by permitting the viewers to share in Psy’s captivating dancing moves. As Psy entertains his viewers with the dancing moves, he also highlights aspects of his location, the Gangnam district. Associations such as these can be made through an entertaining artist or attractive elements in a video. Moreover, Psy’s Gangnam style video also went viral because it employed the element of creative disruption (Ramstad 26). The video contains memorable dance styles, a carousel, singing from a toilet, and houses. Gangnam style is entirely unexpected, catchy, and outrageous. The video received significant coverage from all over the world and from sites, for example, KoreaBoo, Yahoo, and AllKPop, and became viral within days of its circulation. The following weeks saw the music videos get recognition from pop music and internet humor sites, for example, PopDust, Gawker, FunnyJunk, and BuzzFeed. Psy’s Gangnam style was presumed to be a viral YouTube video by newsrooms, for example, ABC News and CNN by the first week of August (Ramstad 32). Community influencers also contributed to the video going viral. The popularity of a video can be enhanced by getting support from tastemakers and influencers within the related online communities. Psy’s Gangnam style has also had an impact in Asia. The video’s sophisticated arrangement and rendering have made it extremely popular with the entire public.Â
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Article Summary Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Article Summary Paper - Essay Example The study aimed at investigating effects of investors’ perceptions over stock and the stock’s returns in the international scope. One of the study’s hypothesis predicted relationship between the sentiments and stock returns in the international market while the other two hypotheses predicted effects of environmental factors to the relationship between investors’ attitude towards stock and returns. The following economic question can therefore be inferred for the study (Schemeling 394, 395). The author expected an inverse relationship between invertors’ sentiments and stock returns and their conceptual framework and reviewed literature informs this. The author noted deviation from the standard finance theory that argues for the role of arbitrageurs in eliminating irrationality in the stock market. Literature suggested that investors’ opinions are persistent and that arbitrage is not effective in managing irrationality. These suggested effects of investor sentiments on stock returns and reported inverse relationship from the United States’ stock market, being inferred to the international market, informed the expectation (Schemeling 394, 395). Stock returns and investor sentiments were the study’s main theoretical variables and consumers’ confidence was used as the empirical proxy for investor sentiments. Background information on availability of the proxy, both on cross sectional and time series scope, and its consistency informed use of the proxy. Unlike consumer confidence, other possible indicators of investor sentiment are not consistent. â€Å"Agreegate stock market,†â€Å"portfolio of value stock†and â€Å"portfolio of growth stock†were however proxies for stock returns (Schemeling 397). Professor Kenneth French’s website was the data source for stock return proxies while Directorate Generale for Economic and Financial Affaire, Datastream and Ecowin were the data sources for consumer confidence (Schemeling 397). Where rt+1 defines
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