The art of essay writing
Usc Mba Application Essay Samples
Sunday, August 23, 2020
Positioning Manufacturing Plants Away from US States Essay
3 Steps to Acing Your Upcoming Group Interview You’ve been approached in for a board meet. Perhaps you’re threatened. Perhaps frightened. Possibly you’re not even sure you comprehend what that really involves. Whatever your degree of fear, here are three simple strides to traversing your board meet tranquilly and in one piece. Stage 1: BEFOREYou reserve the privilege to ask who will be on your board. Do this. At that point inquire about each board part as well as could be expected. You’ll have the option to make sense of a considerable amount and get ready better for what each may be generally quick to ask you. What does this specific gathering of individuals educate you regarding what the organization is attempting to assess?You can likewise ask to what extent (generally) the meeting should last. This will give you a nice sentiment for what amount to and fro conversation will be conceivable, how much space you’ll be given to pose inquiries, to what extent your answers can be, etc.Step 2: DURING Treat every individual on the board like an individual not simply one more anonymous face. This isn't an indifferent divider asking you inquiries. Every questioner on your board is another chance to make a human association and persuade that a lot more individuals in the organization what an extraordinary fit you would be.Be sure to observe everybody’s name as they are presented. Record every one if that causes you recall. When responding to questions, talk straightforwardly to the person who asked, yet then attempt to widen your answer out to cause the remainder of the board to feel remembered for the discussion.Step 3: AFTERYou’ve took in their names and put forth an attempt to interface with each board part presently thank every single one of them earnestly withâ solid eye to eye connection and a quality handshake. From that point forward, it’s the typical post-meet follow-up methodology. Be that as it may, recall that you have to keep in touch with one card to say thanks for each board part. It appears to be a torment, however it’s these little contacts that will help set you apart.The board talk with: 6 hints for previously, during, and after
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Impact of Emerging Digital Technologies Free-Samples for Students
Question: Examine about the difficulties in Cyber Security for Business. Answer: Presentation Digital security is a developing innovation issue which should be drawn nearer in a progressively specialized manner. It has be drawn nearer in an increasingly powerful manner by all partners since it is a worldwide issue instead of a hierarchical level issue. Organizations have been confronted with difficulties of taking care of digital security issues extending from authoritative consistence program to universal norms consistence programs. In digital security, security and information insurance is of more concern and must be implemented to ensure hierarchical information isn't presented to gatecrashers who may wind up attacking authoritative frameworks (HASIB 2014, p. 112). The standard of simply keeping hierarchical information is gone and associations are contributing intensely on security of their data since it has become a truly significant resource for any association. Hacking has been of significant concern and business have been undermined through different ways. To associat ions that work on the web and the vast majority of its exchanges are done through an online framework, security must be implemented to make sure about both authoritative and clients information. As of late, Mastercard exchanges have shot up with increments in online exchange and programmers have taken that benefit to bargain such exchange to take from associations and blameless clients. Clients have wound up as a vulnerable objective since they are being charged deceitful charges without their insight. Task objective The principle target of the paper is to address digital security challenges that associations have been confronting. Essential to note is that, such difficulties may be considered at authoritative level however they are basically worldwide situated. In the wake of tending to security challenges, it will concentrate on how these difficulties have been made and best options in unraveling digital security slips. Venture scope To address digital security challenges, it will be imperative to concentrate on both worldwide market and authoritative level consistence programs which are intended to explain digital security. Next, information assurance and security of association is touchy while tending to information break and hacking. Absence of characterized method and procedures on the most proficient method to tackle digital security issues must be unmistakably laid out so as to help in making mindfulness on what hierarchical level must actualize to control security issues. Writing Review Consistence Consistence is a demonstration getting in accordance with what is required so as to have the option to unravel digital security challenges that associations and independent venture administrators are looking in the market today (MINICK 2016, p. 57). This brings out part of setting down great establishment to encourage business development by meeting all center components identified with set consistence programs. Viable consistence structures are made by making exceptionally high indent set of principles to help in understanding the specified jobs of lead in association and setting out required structure obstructs for consistence program. Essential to note is that different security consistence programs are novel from one another and have different degrees of achieving development. Security consistence development is for the most part controlled by level of hazard each challenge is introducing to associations in the market (SMITH COCKBURN 2014, p. 19). Consistence programs are chiefly dictated by code of morals that are endorsed by a specific association. Consistence program set out to moderate digital security difficulties may be set out with respect to hierarchical recommended set of principles, code of morals in presence or more all standards and guidelines that are set out by explicit authoritative administration. Since consistence programs are set out as per jobs and obligations, it is a great idea to be progressively mindful of authoritative moral practices. At the point when association sets up consistence programs, it needs to ensure its consistence program is more than causing its workers to adhere to rules. It must be planned for making authoritative achievement a reality. At long last, as indicated by SUBRAMANIAN (2008, p. 135), the tone wherein this consistence program is passed to authoritative representatives and partners is of qualities. The most noteworthy tone is significant since it characterizes accomplishment of the association. As per ICGS3 et al (2015, p. 256), a portion of the consistence in digital security are; IT Audit and consistence, IT strategies and administration and IT hazard appraisal and the executives. A genuine model can be seen from Cisco and InfoSec Companies which have been cooperating so as to encourage worldwide business creation by shielding authoritative frameworks and information from either inside or outer dangers exuding from digital security. Despite the fact that a ton of consistence has been put on both equipment and programming, the two Companies have adopted all encompassing strategy in making sure about authoritative information. A portion of these methodologies incorporate; executing market centered arrangements and procedures that ensures associations conform to digital security set strategies and methodology (ADOMI 201, p. 10). This is done through making arrangements that oversee how associations that utilization items from these organizations, for example, equipment and p rogramming must follow in the event that they need to profit by their items. Next, these associations have gone an additional mile to execute security in their foundation before disseminating them to buyers. Further, DONALDSON et al (2015, p. 27) contends that, Cisco and InfoSec have been cultivating security cognizant culture with point of diminishing assaults and encouraging great security in business. At long last, with respect to hierarchical arrangements and methodology, these two organizations have made procedures and systems to be followed while executing safety efforts in their business by utilization of their items. This exhibits, consistence with necessities and particulars is significant as it helps in ensuring difficulties looked in digital security are tackled. Security and information insurance Security of authoritative information is of foremost and must be kept as a mystery resource for the subject association (SCHU?NEMANN BAUMANN 2017, p. 5). In todays business, information has gotten one of most significant resource since it is being utilized to settle on basic choice with respect to authoritative tasks and next game-plan in business exercises. The fundamental inquiry that has been of concern is, the reason secure hierarchical information more than some other resource of the association? This explanation for information security and assurance is a direct result of its worth when gotten to by contending firms. CYBERICS et al (2015, p.6) specifies that, information offers upper hand in the market and whenever got to by unapproved individuals, it very well may be utilized to uncover authoritative operational techniques which may later be utilized to design serious methodologies against subject association. This settles on associations settle on choices that are more on ens uring information as opposed to setting border protection from authoritative information. In security terms, putting away progressively touchy data in a single database may mean more damage if an aggressor accesses the framework. A genuine model that numerous associations have been confronting is putting away their clients Mastercard numbers along with their expiry date. This has been the standard however with expanding digital security information penetrates the world over, it has become a significant concern since it has been understood that, when a programmer bargains the framework, heavy fake exchanges should be possible (MOORE 2017, p. 198). Further, associating with sites utilizing hierarchical PCs by representatives have been uncovering authoritative information in to dangers in light of the fact that once they get associated with these sites, a great deal of data is left. They might be utilized to gather exceptionally delicate data which can be utilized to break into hierarc hical information. The most issues of worry with association is the means by which to get rid of digital security challenges. Information security difficulties can be tended to by associations by restricting the quantity of individuals who have benefits to get to zones, for example, server rooms and server farms (WONG 2013, p. 25). Having accomplished this, it is critical to put information safety efforts, for example, solid confirmation and approval measures against unapproved clients of the framework. Generally significant of all perspective is executing information encryption measures to make sure about information from its utilization considerably after aggressors obtain entrance into the framework. Neglecting to scramble information puts it in danger of being undermined for individual addition. In spite of the fact that it is a decent measure, the primary issue has been on innovation required to execute such safety efforts. Programmers are increasingly gifted and experienced since they are similar technocrats that associations has been utilizing to shield authoritative information (SOTTO 2016, p. 978). Because of wide experience of abilities they have, they have been learning different frameworks and their method of activities at that point discard associations so as to get a decent opportunity to bargain their of target framework. In this way, with such a large number of omissions that exist in information security and insurance of hierarchical information, it has become an incredible test to meet all necessities of making sure about authoritative information from access by programmers from outside and access by unapproved representatives. KHURANA AGGARWAL (2013, p. 168) contends that, information security has become a highest issue and associations are contributing vigorously on security of their information like never before. Overseeing outsider information In todays mechanical market, associations host been settling on third get-together administrations, for example, distributed computing administrations so as to decrease cost of overseeing information all alone (TURUK 2016, p. 89). Because of cost engaged with overseeing information, going for a third turns into the other option yet the significant issues is on honesty of information. Is the security of information ensured under outsider? Taking a case of cloud administrations, authoritative information is facilitated remotely in the cloud without coming into direct
Friday, August 21, 2020
Relationships free essay sample
An examination and investigation of connections in John Miltons Paradise Lost, Mary Shelleys Frankenstein, and Joseph Conrads Heart of Darkness. This paper analyzes three stories and thinks about the various connections existing between John Miltons God and Satan from Paradise Lost, Mary Shelleys Frankenstein and his beast, and Joseph Conrads Marlow and Kurtz from Heart of Darkness. The paper shows how the peruser can think about the idea of having a God complex as opposed to having information two of the three books don't make reference to a God and the third one does consequently making it simpler to isolate them out and look at the hidden topic. Frankenstein himself has somewhat of a God complex when he makes the beast and accepts he will have the option to control him. At the point when he made the beast he had dreams of having the option to control the beasts each move and activity. We will compose a custom paper test on Connections or on the other hand any comparative point explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page He accepted he was ground-breaking enough intellectually to beat any impediments that the beast may introduce once he was made. In every one of these accounts the obvious instances of attempting to play God are anything but difficult to find in light of the fact that the story isn't convoluted with a genuine God, anyway in Paradise lost this isn't the situation. In Paradise lost the occasions are thoroughly outside of any relevant connection to the subject at hand but since there is a God based topic to the story it nearly sits in judgment of the other two.
E-Waste Environmental and Workers issues Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
E-Waste Environmental and Workers issues - Essay Example It likewise presents the more splendid side of updating e-squander or called e-cycling. Jim Puckett et al (2002) characterize electronic waste or e-squander as the expanding extent of electronic gadgets running from tremendous apparatuses in various families, for example, fridges, forced air systems, portable hand-held phones, individual sound systems, and shopper hardware up to PCs. E-squander is perilous. E-squander comprises of 1,000 different substances in which the majority of these are harmful and adds to the gravity of contamination when arranged. A portion of these harmful synthetic compounds are (1) lead and cadmium found in circuit sheets, (2) lead oxide and cadmium in cathode beam tube (CRTs) of screens, (3) mercury in switches and level screen screens, (4) cadmium in PC batteries, (5) polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) in old capacitors and transformers, and (6) brominated fire retardants on printed circuit sheets, plastic housings, links and polyvinyl chloride (PVC) link protections. (Puckett et al, 2002) E-squander is created at disturbing rates because of out of date quality. The quick paced improvement of innovation came about to for some contraptions, equipment frameworks, PCs to be supplanted in a limited capacity to focus time. For instance, a PC framework which can keep going for a long time or so is supplanted in a year or two on account of expanding innovative improvements that delivered new and refreshed items. Additionally when hardware and different gadgets separate, the expense of fix can be higher than purchasing new ones. The high paces of out of date quality increment the volume of waste when contrasted with shopper products like food. (Puckett et al, 2002) Puckett et al (2002) talk about that e-squander is delivered by three (3) significant divisions in the United States: (1) people and organizations, (2) huge organizations, establishments, and governments, and (3) unique hardware makers. For the principal part, the types of gear most as often as possible arranged by family units and organizations are PCs. The essential purpose behind this isn't a direct result of
Saturday, July 11, 2020
A Guide to Writing Pertinent Essay Topics
A Guide to Writing Pertinent Essay TopicsWriting persuasive essays can be difficult but it doesn't have to be. There are many methods for writing a persuasive essay topic. You just need to learn how to write a persuasive essay topic in the way that will make it stand out from the crowd.If you are serious about writing a persuasive essay topic, then you should do some research on the subjects that interest you. This will help you to better understand what makes a topic effective and successful. This will also help you avoid the pitfalls of writing articles that are completely useless and uninspiring.For example, if you are an information-based writer, then you will want to write an article that is short on details but that is very effective in delivering the essential points to your reader. When it comes to writing persuasive essays, the most important thing is to avoid rambling. You should only have enough space to get your point across without repeating yourself. So start by learnin g more about the subject you are writing about.The next thing you need to do is to research your subject thoroughly. You will find that there are dozens of different styles and methods for writing persuasive essays but if you don't have enough knowledge about the subject, you will have trouble making your argument work. So make sure you read up on the topics that interest you and learn as much as you can about them.You will also want to know that there are many different ways to write persuasive essay topics that will actually make your topic compelling. What you need to do is to realize that the people who read your essay are not reading for pleasure, they are reading for facts. If you present your facts well, then you will make your point seem like it is something you have learned first hand.Another secret to writing persuasive essay topics is to take a step back and analyze the research you have done. Make sure you take a look at the research you have done. You might want to do a little more researching if you think you need to.Finally, the most important thing you should remember when writing persuasive essay topics is to find the right writing style. It can't hurt to use some personal story, but avoid using it too much because this will spoil the reader's ability to connect with your ideas.
Thursday, July 2, 2020
Religious Faith and Its Consequences in A Man for All Seasons - Literature Essay Samples
In A Man for All Seasons, religious faith is an important factor to both the plot and the presentation of characters and their beliefs. Moreover, playwright Robert Bolt’s almost comical, ironic approach adds to contrasting characters and bringing out the themes of morality and hypocrisy while highlighting that which the play revolves around: namely, More’s being torn between his faith and his allegiance. Toward the beginning of the play, the audience is introduced to Wolsey, a man of God, whom Bolt uses to create a first impression of the Church. Wolsey is immediately a contrast to More, seen to be frantic in language and action. It is ironic, as one would not particularly expect this of a churchman. To follow the initial shock, Wolsey is seen to reprimand morality, as he finds More’s strong moral standing, an inconvenient â€Å"quint†. Bolt uses more irony in Wolsey putting out the candles, signifying the destroying of hope. Faith, which should be a source of hope, instead offers nine and this foreshadows More’s death at the end of the play, as that which should have been trustworthy, is not. In opposition to Wolsey, and a lack of Faith and morality in the church, stands More. This is seen in his faith in prayer, as he claims they will have his â€Å"prayers to fall back on†even if chaos were to envelop England. He is willing to risk anarchy and put the fate of England in the hands of a potential â€Å"miracle†. This speaks largely of his faith. Bolt uses the mention of stakes and Wolsey’s frantic approach to it, to make waiting for a miracle, seem highly impractical, therein also portraying how religion is irrelevant, and cannot fully be leaned on. In support, is the lack of a religious stand on Common Man’s part. He is portrayed not necessarily as corrupt like Rich or Cromwell, but as having a deep rooted survival instinct, as seen with the boatman having a family ans the steward not staying with More, once he has given up his material luxuries. The Common Man, who is, arguably, the Man for All Seasons lacks a convicted faith in God. Bolt portrays the man whose are â€Å"all the†¦centuries†this way presents the irrelevance and inadequacy of religion as being, in fact, timeless. Although more is shown to keep to his faith in God, Bolt also suggests that it is more a matter of conscience than religion. More â€Å"anchors†himself in the law, as he believes in its necessity and authority. Moreover, he says to Norfolk that it is not that he believes it but that â€Å"I believe it†, speaking of his being true to his conscience because it is his. Similarly, it could be argued that ore’s silence serves as evidence that he keeps hope in law and morality as opposed to acknowledging the inevitability that comes with God. It would seem that his faith in a â€Å"watertight case†outweighs his faith in God. This again portrays the futility of religion, further emphasized as it is the case he dies for. Another way in which Bolt significantly portrays religious faith is using Chapuys. As he is introduced as the representative of the Church, in the plot, his manner should reflect the faith. Bolt depicts him as a parody. Ironically, Chapuys lacks most of the positive Christian attributes, is corrupt and discreet, thereby making a mockery of the Catholic Church. Bolt uses humor to portray the blatant spying, as their â€Å"legs protrude clearly†, making them deceitful, but clumsily so. In addition, Chapuys follows in Cromwell’s steps, in trying to squeeze information from the steward showing that he is no better, morally. However, unlike Cromwell, who challenges the worth of what he is hearing, Chapuys is more easily played, even appreciating a false proclamation of the cross being steward’s â€Å"master†, depicting the Faith as being not only hypocritical, but also silly and ineffectual. Similarly, this portrayal of the Church works to intensify the plot, as it was what stood between the king and his heir, and More keeping his head. To bring it into context, Bolt uses Chapuys to remind the audience of the stakes and the consequences in that a sign form More, indicating which side he was on would be understood by â€Å"half your fellow countrymen†. If the church had More, it would influence the King and in them being nothing but pretentious and ineffectual, the consequences and the suspense leading to it is heightened. Finally, the theme of religious faith and Bolt’s presentation of it comes from knowing the risks but also being influenced by the comic ironic qualities attributed to the church. A mess of feelings as to faith is created using Roper, the heretic. More warns him about voicing his beliefs as they could be interpreted as treason, this bringing in the element of tension, again the crux of the plot. This is contrasted with Roper being incautious, naively passionate and a comic relief. This leaves the audience acknowledging the seriousness that is at the coe of the plot, but also that it comes with a comical, light aftertaste. Bolt ultimately portrays faith and religiosity somewhat cynically, using irony and humor to highlight characters’ attitudes, intensify the plot and develop relevant atmosphere. Throughout A Man for All Seasons, he explores momentous themes including corruption, politics, and religion versus morality; he does so subtly, while still keeping a coherent set of main ideas carried through the play.
Wednesday, May 20, 2020
Lennie Essay On Friendship - 989 Words
Friendship Hurts Friendship: it can’t be bought, nor can it be foundâ€â€it is something that is earned. Some friendships last days, weeks, years, even lifetimes. A friend is someone who gives a person the freedom to be who they rightfully are. No doubt, life is simply more pleasant with friends as some speculate. But what if the friendship was no longer the childhood bond that it used to be? John Steinbeck exposes the painful struggle of friendship in his petite novella Of Mice and Men with George Milton and his lifelong best friend, Lennie Small, whom struggles with a mild mental disability. After a series of unfortunate events causes Lennie and George to grow attached to each other, they become stronger togetherâ€â€similar to brothers. Their†¦show more content†¦George has learned over the years to not only accept Lennie for his mental challenges, but also love him for who he is. When George found Lennie at their rendezvous point after unintentionally killin g his puppy and Curley’s wife, Lennie knew he was going to be in trouble. As a result, Lennie says to George: â€Å"’Well, I can go away,’ said Lennie. ‘I’ll go right off in the hills an’ find a cave if you don’ want me.’ George shook himself again. ‘No,’ he said. ‘I want you to stay with me here’†(Steinbeck 104). Despite Lennie knowing what he did was very wrong, George refused to not show him love. He treated him well by informing him that he wanted Lennie to stay with him, not leave. With this unconditional love George had for Lennie, he made the tough decision toâ€â€in a senseâ€â€put Lennie down. George prepared his gun after getting Lennie to ramble about their farm they would buy. â€Å"’No,’ said George. ‘No, Lennie. I ain’t mad. I never been mad, an’ I ain’t now. That’s a thing I want ya to know’†(Steinbeck 106). Geor ge wanted Lennie to go out knowing that he was never angry with him no matter what and that he wasn’t mad now. George lets Lennie continue to talk about the farm and the rabbits until it is time and George shoots him right in the back of the head so Lennie would feel no painâ€â€mercy kill. The best form of love is forgiveness. Not only does it take a strong person to say they’re sorry, but it takes an evenShow MoreRelatedGeorge and Lennie - a Friendship Essay1669 Words  | 7 Pages Of Mice and Men by John Steinbeck is a novel involving two extremely different main characters. George is a reasonably intelligent, hardworking ranchman. Lennie on the other hand always manages to find trouble. He is equally as hardworking and honest as George but his simple childlike mind always finds him trouble wherever he goes. However they have one thing that unites the two of them as close as any bond can. This is that they both share the same dream of owning their own ranch Ââ€" and afterRead MoreOf Mice and Men by John Steinbeck Essay701 Words  | 3 Pagestheme of Friendship through various literary elements. Friendship is people that care for and respect each other. It is the link that makes people stick together through the struggles of life. This essay will prov e that friendship is important in life. The book starts in a town called Soledad, which means lonely, but George and Lennie are far from lonely. Their friendship is a caring one because all they have is each other. The first example of their friendship is when George and Lennie are atRead MoreOf Mice and Men Lennie Needs George More Than George Needs Lennie764 Words  | 4 PagesOf Mice and Men Essay Lennie needs George more than George needs Lennie. Both Lennie and George would be nothing without each other. Steinbeck clearly shows how important friends are and how they can support and help you in a number of different ways. Lennie needs George for basic survival and without him, Lennie’s life would not be very long. George on the other hand, needs Lennie for a purpose in life. The conclusion of the novel Of Mice and Men illustrates what life would be like for GeorgeRead MoreOf Mice and Men Essay770 Words  | 4 PagesYour mom B6 January 13, 2010 Of Mice and Men essay An allegory is a work where characters are symbols of ideas. They may symbolize anything from honesty to sadness. In an allegorical novel these characters and the ideas they represent form together to suggest a moral. The novel, Of Mice and Men is one of these allegorical novels. Its theme or moral is about friendship: the friendship of George and Lennie. The actions of the characters that represent ideas in the story bring about the chanceRead MoreOf Mice and Men Loneliness Essay1123 Words  | 5 PagesOf Mice and Men Essay: ‘Soledad’ means loneliness. Why is this relevant in ‘Of Mice and Men’? The relevance of ‘Of Mice and Men’ being set in the town of Soledad comes from the parallels drawn between the meaning of the name ‘Soledad’ and the deeper sense of loneliness expressed through the characters of the novella. The symbolism of the loneliness that is associated with the town of Soledad establishes an underlying sense of loneliness in all characters. The author uses a variety of techniquesRead MoreThemes in John Steinbeck’s Of Mice and Men Essay1123 Words  | 5 Pagesthrough the novels’ character. Lennie Small, a mentally impaired man, is first introduced to us traveling with George. George, however, is not related to Lennie. Lennie travels with George because no one else understands him like he does. Lennie says, â€Å"Because†¦because I got you to look after me, and you got me to look after you†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (Steinbeck 14). Lennie believes if George ever left him that he could live in a cave by himself and not bother anyone again (Steinbeck 12). Lennie realizes he would be aloneRead MoreOf Mice And Men : Exploring The Ways Steinbeck Presents The Ranch1511 Words  | 7 PagesOf Mice and Men essay: Exploring the ways Steinbeck presents the ranch Steinbeck wrote Of Mice and Men in early 1930s and it was published in 1937. During 1930s, America was still suffering from the lack of steady jobs, which made peoples have to travel from town to town to able to seek short term employment. Of Mice and Men based on Steinbeck’s own experience, it is a short book which all the events are happened over the weekend. The title of the novel is taken from Robert Burns’ poem written inRead MoreOf Mice And Men By John Steinbeck894 Words  | 4 PagesOf Mice and Men Essay John Steinbeck once said, â€Å"A journey is a person in itself; no two are alike. And all plans, safeguards, policing, and coercion are fruitless. We find that after years of struggle that we do not take a trip; a trip takes us†. In his novella, Of Mice and Men, two men go on an unexpected journey in search for their dream of happiness. There are many themes that come from their journey such as, the gilded American dream, the bond of male friendships, the power of women and femininityRead More The Character of George in John Steinbecks Of Mice and Men Essay965 Words  | 4 PagesOf Mice and Men character essay George Character : George George, a character in Of Mice and Men, by John Steinbeck was â€Å"small and quick, dark of face, with restless eyes and sharp, strong features. Every part of him was defined: small, strong hands, slender arms, a thin and bony nose.†(Steinbeck, Pg.2) George was Caucasian and it looked as if he had stepped out of an old movie containing drifters, better known as migrant workers. Although physically George was very small, he hadRead MoreHandicaps, Hardships, and Friendships in Of Mice and Men1362 Words  | 6 Pagesof what people go through during grim times. In the novel, Steinbeck illustrated a great set of characters Lennie, George, Candy and Crooks. In Of Mice and Men, Steinbeck discusses handicaps, hardships, and friendships of the characters. In the story Of Mice and Men there were many handicaps that Steinbeck decided to speak upon. One was the fact that Crooks was a crippled stable man, Lennie who was mentally disabled, and Candy who lost his hand in an accident and is always worried about keeping his
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